(Please note that I had to go through a lot of pictures of seriously questionable body parts to get these for you. I hope you are appreciative.)
(so many more music tattoos)
(musical curiosities)
Scales are collections of tones that divide octaves into specific intervals used to create music. Since humans can distinguish about 240 different pitches over an octave in the mid-range of hearing, in principle a very large number of tone combinations could have been used for this purpose. Nonetheless, compositions in Western classical, folk and popular music as well as in many other musical traditions are based on a relatively small number of scales that typically comprise only five to seven tones. Why humans employ only a few of the enormous number of possible tone combinations to create music is not known. Here we show that the component intervals of the most widely used scales throughout history and across cultures are those with the greatest overall spectral similarity to a harmonic series. These findings suggest that humans prefer tone combinations that reflect the spectral characteristics of conspecific vocalizations. [italics added] The analysis also highlights the spectral similarity among the scales used by different cultures.
With classic tracks from The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and The Woodstock Festival blasting in the cellar, our winemaker crafted custom wines for each of these legendary brands - blending one-of-a-kind wines with Rock ‘n Roll mythology.
When music commences, conversation should cease. It is very rude to talk while another person is singing or playing.
A lady should never exhibit any anxiety to sing or play; but if she intends to do so, she should not affect to refuse when asked, but obligingly accede at once. If you can not sing, or do not choose to, say so with seriousness and gravity, and put an end to the expectation promptly. After singing once or twice, cease and give place to others. The complaint is as old as the days of Horace, that a singer can with the greatest difficulty be set agoing, and when agoing, can not be stopped.
In playing an accompaniment for another, do not forget that it is intended to aid, and not to interrupt, and that the instrument is subordinate to the singer.
When a lady is playing, it is desirable that some one should turn the leaves for her. Some gentleman will be generally at hand to do this, but unless he be able to read music, his services may as well be dispensed with.
Hoedown from Rodeo from Eleanor Stewart on Vimeo.
Eight Days of Hanukkah from Tablet Magazine on Vimeo.
From an issue of the Ofener und Pester Theatertaschenbach we quote, "...Who is this Beethover [sic]? The history of German music is not acquainted with such a name. Punto of course is very well known."
p. 256 Thayer's Life of Beethoven Vol. 1, by Alexander Wheelock Thayer, revised and edited Elliot Forbes
A fashionable contemporary art gallerist in Chelsea, New York falls for a brooding new music composer in this comic take on the state of contemporary art. Adam Goldberg (Two Days in Paris) plays the composer, whose work calls for paper crumpling, glass breaking, and bucket kicking. Marley Shelton (Grindhouse) plays the gorgeous Chelsea gallerist, whose latest show features an artist, played by Vinnie Jones (Snatch), who employs taxidermy and household objects. Further complicating the affair is the composer's brother, played by Eion Bailey ("Band of Brothers"), whose highly commercial artwork - the financial backbone of the gallery - is sold to corporate clients discreetly out of the back room.